Saturday 6 March 2010

"The Jesuits taught me

"The Jesuits taught me, quis nimis probat, nihil probat. Who proves too much proves nothing. That statesmen (the essayist turns "politician" into a facile sneer word, the least convincing kind of argument) who want to rescue our too wasteful "advanced" societies before they destroy their own affluence and make a decent life inaccessible to the less developed should be argued with but not summarily dismissed.

His facile pro-proletariat cheerleading is silly. More money for the proles (of which I once was one) is a reasonable goal. Smirking away binge drinking, football riots, and mindless leisure is fatuous anti-intellectualism parading as people power.

The saddest aspect of global warming is that it appears to harm the poorest people on the globe while Die Zeit readers fly their private jets to the Third World for fun. Boozway Blather."

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