Friday 9 April 2010

On Mass-Market Epiphany

by Ross Douthat
Surely glossalia is the last thing needed in a a world values-befuddled enough in conflicted discourse among its often incoherent indigenous languages.

How about expanding the only mnemonically useful 40 days of Lent to 365 days of creatively useful tithing for those 2/3 thirds of the world's humans still living precariously on the edge?

How about honoring God's greatest gift to mankind--human reason--by using it to generously share with others the glory of the daily miracle of mere existence. Therese Lisieux and her cretinous followers have had their psychopathic daze.

I aim in my ethical future to follow the counsel of secular solons like Nicholas Kristof and his wife Sharon. Surely reducing the endemic scandals of unnecessary maternal mortality or human trafficking trumps navel gazing, no matter how idiosyncratically thrilling it may be.

If such use of His Gift of human reason and charity doesn't please God, He doesn't please me enough to worship Him for his setting such a Bad Example.

Patrick D. Hazard, Weimar Germany.

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