Tuesday 14 April 2009

Underworld of ID Cards

Are you with me on the danger of ID cards? Even without 9/11, I am convinced our official "underworld" finaglers (CIA, FBI, and God knows what other soupy alphabetic snoopers) are steadily undermining our projected, prospective egalitarian democracy. Gray flanneled fascism I call it. After the race riots which will follow the next big economic downturn, National Guard units, then regular Army, then Green Berets, will try to restore order.

General Eisenhower was all too right in his farewell address about the military industrial perplex. No punishment yet for Ruby Ridge. Or Waco. You know the sad litany of illitigiousness. Those black budget agencies are already out of control. Add to it a wave of Pop Patriotism and watch out. It won't be only the Mohammeds who will be hassled. You'll be hassled, Elmo.

I had the first contact with the military since I was in the Navy (1944-6) in September when a monument was raised to three American airmen who had been killed after their B-17 crashed near Weimar. What a thought-free pack of careerist apparatchiks. Bland rubber stamps. Colin Powell is a high class elegant version.

Oh, but you know all this Elmo.

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